The address listed on Saray Briseno's license is in Atascosa County. The license will expire in August if it is not renewed.
The DSHS Professional Licensing and Certification Unit consists of 23 regulatory programs. The programs evaluate and issue credentials, administer examinations, monitor continuing education activities, conduct complaint investigations, impose disciplinary sanctions, and otherwise regulate a variety of health professions and related facilities in the State of Texas.
The following table shows all other licenses held by people and organizations in Atascosa County with expiration dates in August.
Licenses in Atascosa County with August expiration dates
Type of license | License No. | Name | Expiration Date |
A/C contractor | 18730 | Atascosa Air | 2021-08-11 |
A/C contractor | 18019 | Quality and Value Heating & Air Conditioning | 2021-08-18 |
A/C contractor | 4835 | Stendebach Heating & Air Conditioning | 2021-08-18 |
A/C technician | 3035 | Arthur Sanchez Jr. | 2021-08-19 |
A/C technician | 73044 | Greg J. Kalisek | 2021-08-24 |
A/C technician | 106618 | Jordan M. James | 2021-08-19 |
A/C technician | 106384 | William K. Pair | 2021-08-06 |
apprentice electrician | 330198 | Fernando Gonzalez | 2021-08-17 |
apprentice electrician | 363349 | Francisco Dominguez | 2021-08-25 |
apprentice electrician | 173860 | Gabriel Estrada | 2021-08-05 |
apprentice electrician | 513491 | Joel M. Munoz | 2021-08-17 |
apprentice electrician | 514392 | Juan D. Torres | 2021-08-25 |
apprentice electrician | 67499 | Larry Charles | 2021-08-10 |
auctioneer | 17986 | West, Logan Edward | 2021-08-14 |
barber, class A | 656167 | Lindsey Aguilar | 2021-08-16 |
cosmetology beauty salon | 735083 | Virginia's Heads Up Salon | 2021-08-01 |
cosmetology esthetician | 1794652 | Scarlet Allen | 2021-08-30 |
cosmetology manicurist | 1562837 | Maria D. Ruiz | 2021-08-24 |
cosmetology operator | 1574151 | Amanda Nicole Martinez | 2021-08-23 |
cosmetology operator | 1198306 | Angie C. Flores | 2021-08-31 |
cosmetology operator | 1450386 | Brandie Gayle Calhoun Frederick | 2021-08-28 |
cosmetology operator | 1556271 | Callie White | 2021-08-23 |
cosmetology operator | 1703292 | Chasadie Lopez | 2021-08-31 |
cosmetology operator | 1308435 | Crystal Lynn Schmidt | 2021-08-13 |
cosmetology operator | 1568560 | Diana Aurora Castaneda | 2021-08-14 |
cosmetology operator | 1490525 | Dorothy Stearns | 2021-08-09 |
cosmetology operator | 1444284 | Kimberly Ann Elkins | 2021-08-20 |
cosmetology operator | 1003490 | Rosemary Mendez | 2021-08-31 |
cosmetology operator | 1574152 | Sarah Marie Rich | 2021-08-21 |
cosmetology operator | 1674253 | Saray Briseno | 2021-08-02 |
cosmetology operator | 1607436 | Sydney Elaine Martinez | 2021-08-01 |
cosmetology operator | 1483734 | Tara Janae Machost | 2021-08-19 |
cosmetology operator | 1059146 | Velma Loredo Lozano | 2021-08-31 |
dual shop | 802056 | Great Clips | 2021-08-05 |
electrical contractor | 34690 | Anthony Huron Enterprise L. L. C. | 2021-08-12 |
electrical contractor | 22017 | Scott Smoot Electric | 2021-08-10 |
journeyman electrician | 36709 | Albert M. Garza | 2021-08-23 |
journeyman electrician | 514405 | Bobby Lee Frazier Jr. | 2021-08-26 |
journeyman electrician | 124088 | Clinton L. Wickham | 2021-08-13 |
journeyman electrician | 40425 | John V. Delacruz | 2021-08-29 |
journeyman electrician | 127672 | Noe Salines De La Garza | 2021-08-03 |
journeyman electrician | 11381 | Richard E. Capps | 2021-08-10 |
journeyman electrician | 214074 | Shawn A. Beavers | 2021-08-31 |
master electrician | 225091 | David L. Garcia | 2021-08-03 |
master electrician | 76138 | Marcus X. Reyes | 2021-08-14 |
master electrician | 95398 | Philip C. Terrazas | 2021-08-03 |
master electrician | 57785 | Ricardo Vasquez | 2021-08-12 |
master electrician | 248401 | Roberto G. Trevino | 2021-08-13 |
property tax appraiser | 75199 | Denney G. Bowen | 2021-08-24 |
tow truck operator (incident management) | 3389 | Alfred C. Jaksik | 2021-08-22 |
tow truck operator (incident management) | 3470 | Edward Zamarripa | 2021-08-22 |
tow truck operator (incident management) | 3388 | Kenneth F. Jaksik | 2021-08-22 |
water well driller/pump installer | 4038 | James K. Shearrer | 2021-08-18 |
water well driller/pump installer | 2435 | Weldon Pat Cude | 2021-08-29 |