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The Pleasanton Rotary Club donated 470 food boxes to food pantries across Atascosa County.
First United Methodist Church Pleasanton, CAM, Atascosa County Veteran Service Office, Pleasanton Church of Christ, and Safer Path Family Violence Shelter were among the places to receive donations, with the FUMC’s Community Food Pantry being the first.
The Community Food Pantry not only offers pantry services but it also fights food insecurity by teaming up with the San Antonio Food Pantry to distribute free fresh produce and one-gallon Ziploc bags of food.
Those who want to help the pantry can donate any of the following adult cereal, ravioli, bagged pinto beans, canned chicken, spaghetti noodles and canned fruit.
The Community Food Pantry is also accepting monetary donations by clicking on the PayPal link or mailing a check with “Community Food Pantry” in the memo line to P.O. Box 187, Pleasanton, 78064.